Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1 Summary

Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series created by Gege Akutami. The story revolves around a group of young people who battle cursed spirits using an ancient art known as Jujutsu. Volume 1, titled “Ryomen Sukuna,” introduces the main character, Yuji Itadori. This volume explores Yuji’s ordinary life, his relationship with his grandfather, and his entry into the world of Jujutsu sorcery.

Yuji Itadori: An Ordinary Boy

Yuji Itadori is an ordinary high school student living with his grandfather. He is exceptionally strong physically, which makes him stand out in his school’s athletics. However, Yuji’s interests lie elsewhere. He enjoys spending time with his friends in the Occult Research Club, where they discuss mysterious and supernatural events.

Grandfather’s Advice

Yuji’s grandfather is hospitalized with declining health. He imparts two important life lessons to Yuji: always help others and strive to be a good person. This advice deeply resonates with Yuji and influences his future actions.

Discovery of the Cursed Finger

One day, Yuji and his club members discover an ancient cursed object – a finger. They have no idea that this finger belongs to Ryomen Sukuna, an ancient and immensely powerful cursed spirit. Meanwhile, Megumi Fushiguro, a Jujutsu sorcerer, arrives at Yuji’s school and informs him about the dangerous nature of the finger and the need to destroy it immediately.

Sukuna’s Power

In an attempt to save his friends, Yuji swallows the finger, inadvertently transferring Sukuna’s immense power into himself. Yuji becomes Sukuna’s vessel but surprisingly retains control over his own body, resisting Sukuna’s influence.

Meeting Gojo Satoru

Following the incident, Yuji meets Gojo Satoru, one of the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerers. Gojo takes Yuji to Jujutsu High, a school where powerful sorcerers are trained. He explains that Yuji must find and consume all of Sukuna’s fingers to completely annihilate Sukuna. This sets Yuji on a significant and perilous mission.

Jujutsu High School

At Jujutsu High School, Yuji meets other students, including Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki. They become his close friends and allies. Yuji begins to learn the art of Jujutsu and prepares for his new mission.

First Mission

Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara receive their first mission to exorcise a cursed spirit. This mission acts as a test for Yuji, where he must utilize his new powers and abilities. It not only proves Yuji’s capabilities but also makes him realize the dangers and challenges of the Jujutsu world.

Yuji’s Struggle

In this volume, Yuji’s main struggle is controlling the power of Sukuna within him. He has to fight not only external enemies but also the demon inside him. This internal conflict adds depth and complexity to Yuji’s journey.

Friendship and Cooperation

The friendship and cooperation between Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara are crucial elements of this volume. They help each other and face difficulties together. Their teamwork and camaraderie make them stronger and lead to their success in missions.

Conclusion of Volume 1

Volume 1 concludes with Yuji’s new beginning and his entry into the world of Jujutsu. After consuming Sukuna’s finger, Yuji is now on a significant mission to find and destroy all of Sukuna’s fingers. This volume highlights Yuji’s courage, loyalty, and determination, establishing him as a true hero.


“Jujutsu Kaisen: Volume 1” provides an exciting and intriguing start, laying the foundation for Yuji Itadori’s journey. Yuji’s character, his powers, and his struggles add depth and perspective to the story. This volume introduces readers to the mysterious and dangerous world of Jujutsu and prepares them for the thrilling events to come. Yuji’s journey, his friends, and his challenges make the story even more captivating and inspiring.

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